These numbers and their vibrations affect us on several levels. We are all surrounded by numbers. Infact, the universe is made of 0s and 1s.
As a part of Numerology, we explore the hidden powers of numbers. Vedic Numerology is basically the study of planetary rulership through nine prime numbers. The movement of these planets decide and affect our destiny.
In addition to this, our date of birth and numbers associated with our name, impact us and our personality throughout our lives. There is a distinct vibration carried by each alphabet. All these vibrations tell us about our strengths, weaknesses, talents, challenges, and karmic residue. This analysis helps us understand the cause of wrong vibrations that may be influencing our lives negatively.
Upon identifying the root cause of issues in your life through numbers, planetary movements and their vibrations, we try to overturn this in your favour. For example, sometimes it’s necessary to make changes to your name to improve the vibrations. The Vedic Numerology is replete with options that will help you heal. All you need to do is abide by the numerology principles and religiously practice the remedies that’ll be unique to every person.
If you have been looking for a way to turn the tables in your favour, there is no better way than by ensuring that the numbers are on your side.